Thursday, February 23, 2012

♥ Big Bang ♥

My favorite Big Bang is back! :)
Their new song "BLUE" is super nice.
I keep listening to it over and over again.
Just in 1 day, their total views of their MV is 3,301,548.
A great comeback. :D
I changed my blog song into their song, BLUE. ^^ ♥
Hope you enjoy! :P

Big Bang. ♥

Big Bang.

Listen to their new song.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

♥ End Of CNY. .Valentine's Day ♥

How was your CNY?
Hope it was fun. :)
I went to Thailand, Chiang Mai.
Nice place. ^^
The things there are so cheap!
I finally realized that things in Malaysia are really EXPENSIVE. @@

Love my shoes! ♥

Now Im totally broke.
Because once I got my ANGPAU.
I just opened it and when I went out, I just used it. ><
So now Im totally broke. :(
Next year, Im gonna open my ANGPAU money at the end of CNY. ^^
So I wont go broke after CNY. :P

Coming up next is Valentine's Day, right?
Saint Valentine's Day, commonly shortened to Valentine's Day.
A day on which lovers express their love for each other.
For those who have a partner, hope you will have a nice Valentine's Day. :) ♥
For those who are single, Its okay~ take your time to find a partner to celebrate Valentine's next year. ^^ ( Im 1 of the single family. :P ) ♥

Block B is back! ♥
Really love them. :)
Their so cool! They rock! ♥

Block B. ♥
Their album songs.

01. LOL. ♥

02. Go Crazy. ♥

03. Did You Or Did You Not. ♥

04. Synchorinzation 100%. ♥

05. Action. ♥

And of course, FT Island's new song is nice too!
Severely. ♥

Hope you love it. ^^